Private lessons provide the opportunity to focus on any and all parts of your game. Let’s assess your game and focus on where you can improve. Fundamentals, ball striking, short game, course management or playing lessons are available based on your needs. Range balls and rental clubs, if needed, are provided with every lesson.


Tuesday or Thursdays 4:00 – 5:30PM | $150 per person (4 sessions)
Recommend ages 6-12

Looking for a fun and engaging way for your kids to improve their golf game? Join Coach Heather and Coach Dane for the 90 minute Clover Junior Academy where we work with each child individually while incorporating fun activities to help them learn and grow their skills.

Choose a Day: Pick either Tuesday or Thursday to fit your child’s schedule

The final day is a scramble format play day on the course with Coach Heather & Coach Dane-parents are welcome to spectate. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity for your young golfer!


Join Coach Heather for a Sunday Junior Clinic!

Looking for a fun and engaging way for your kids to improve their golf game but have trouble making weekday clinics? Join Coach Heather on Sundays!

With nearly a decade of PGA experience, Coach Heather brings a wealth of knowledge and a passion for teaching junior golfers. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to learn from one of the best!


A chance for local kids getting into the game to experience a competitive team environment while also playing various local golf courses in the area. PGA Junior League Golf is a fun, social and inclusive opportunity for boys and girls, ages 13 and under, to learn and enjoy the game of golf. Participants wear numbered jerseys and play on teams with friends.


The Elite Junior Training Program takes everything I have learned in my collegiate and professional career and I share this knowledge and experience with the next generation of elite competitive players.
This program focuses on the type of practice and training regimen that is necessary for young players to compete at the highest level. In this program we work on all facets of the game, including distance control with irons, short game drills, the mental side of the game, and how to “practice with a purpose”.  The juniors have homework weekly and they learn about integrity, honesty, competitiveness, accountability, adversity, and many other part of the game that are often overlooked.
The mission of EJT is for the juniors to gain the knowledge of how elite players practice in order to get better and compete, as well as give them the tools to be better individuals who are creating a positive impact on the community around them, and not just on a golf course. 


3-Day Camps | 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Included daily: Instruction, on-course play, lunch, drinks, snacks, prizes & MORE!. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

We just wrapped up an amazing 3 months of summer camps at Emerald Isle! Fun was had, snacks were devoured, and golf skills were sharpened. Thanks to everyone who joined us. We can’t wait to see you next summer! Keep an eye out for 2025 camp dates around February/March.